18. 1. 2011


Hello again :)
I still don't think that I have anything valuable to share with you [if anyone reads this] but I will give it a try ;)
My brain is today a bit dead, after writing an essay or analysis of a book written by Saul Bellow called Henderson the Rain King, so forgive me for not making sense in this entry. So, yeah, tomorrow I'm gonna hand in the essay and hopefully past my last exam in this semester. So it means I will have more time to write something here *YAY*
As you have probably noticed, these days [or maybe a few months already] the web is full of fashion blogs. [which means loads of pics and not much of text]. I personally like the classic ones a bit better, because even if I'm kinda visual type [which means that I can probably express myself through pictures better than with words] I love reading interesting articles written by my favourite bloggers. No, I wont try to make this into a fashion one because - I'm not that interested into fashion, -I'm ugly [excluding my few photogenic angles], - and the most important thing, I rather spend that little money I have on books, rather than on clothes. Like yeah, sometimes I get into these states of mind when I'm walking through a shop/browsing on e-shops wanting to buy almost everything but I can control myself most of the time :D. But! one day I somehow discovered a site called polyvore and got stuck there for a while. It's like the biggest eshop where you don't have to buy things but you can take any piece of clothing you find here and combine it with another, and so on, until you have you desired outfit. You can add pictures and also music to your set, publish it and have it maybe as a kind of inspiration for the days when you just don't know what to wear [but that's only when you have similar pieces in you wardrobe] or it's good for discovering tons of beautiful new clothes and fantasizing about how it would be if you had money that can buy all that.So here's the link -->  my polywhore lair <--
So, good luck at making sets ;)

4 komentáre:

  1. Jéj, krásne sety tam máš.. inšpirovala si ma, zakladám tam účet.) A ách, tak dobre sa mi ťa číta!

  2. Bebe...
    máš velice sympatické jméno/přezdívku. Jeden člověk mi tak tajně říká :) a moc hezky se čteš, takže věřím, že tvůj esej dopadne výborně.
    Krásný den či noc!

  3. eeej :D ja umrem, ono toto uz aj niekto cita...uff :D
    normalne som aj zabudla na to ze ma boli hlava a poskocila si od radosti, auu :D
    beata - no dufam aj ja, hodnotit to bude totiz dost nepredvidatelna teta tak som zvedava ake pismenko to nakoniec bude a ku tej prezyvke ja som bola strasne dlhy cas len wewe...ale raz ma niekto nazval bebe, uz ani neviem v akej suvislosti a tak sa mi to zapacilo ze som si tak zacala hovorit:)
    eva - jeej dakujem :) ale fakt mi nejde do hlavy to s tym citanim, cely zivot mam pocit ze sa neviem poriadne vyjadrovat, so *yay*

  4. :) bebe je lepší! a podle nadcházejícího článku hádám, že to dopadlo dobře...takže gratuluji!:)
